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  • Just to clarify, The indexing behavior did not change in DrivePool 1.2.1+. DrivePool doesn't index your folders, the Windows Home Server 2011 does. It always did, this is how Microsoft set it up. In DrivePool 1.2.1+, instead of relying on DrivePool'…
  • Shane, Thanks so much for helping out. I think at this point we'll set up a remote support appointment and I'll take a look at what's going on first hand. If the NTFS permissions are getting changed periodically, chances are that there is some progr…
  • If you really want to balance every hour. You can set the balancing trigger to something really low like 1GB with Balance immediately and  Not more often than every 1 hour.
  • You can't make it balance more than once a day at specific times. However, you can set limits as to when balancing will take place. In your case, it might be useful for you to set a GB limit. In other words, you might want it to start balancing imme…
  • Good Q - I had the same Q when I read that. I'm not sure whether that means you shouldn't switch on any of the other balancing algorithms or what? Where should archive optimizer go in the list if there are many active? Also, feels strange to need to…
  • The wiki page for the Archive Optimizer plugin states "Because this plug-in is very specialized, it should generally be used by itself."  Does this mean that all of the standard balancing plugins (file placement, volume equalization, etc) should be …
  • Regarding the SiL 3132, The Scanner does have basic SMART access on it, but no power status / temperature histories and only basic identify information. This is because Direct I/O can't send command to the drive. I've dug into this and it seems like…
  • Jon, Sounds interesting. As I recall, the way I confirmed that SMART works for this chip was at a customer's PC while doing remote support some time ago. I've ordered a card with the chip, it will arrive over the weekend so I'll re-confirm and let y…
  • SiL 3132 supports SMART through WMI and Direct I/O (Port Driver) based on my testing, so yes.
  • Server 2012 Essentials will probably not be supported with a custom dashboard add-in. DrivePool will most likely run on the OS, as a stand-alone application.
  • Just roughly, 1.1 should be out any week now (Final). There are still some issues that are being looked at for 1.1. 1.2 is actually already in the works and should follow 1.1 almost immediately (BETA). Most of the back-end infrastructure is done. 1.…
  • That's a great suggestion. I'll try to get this into a future build.
  • Fantastic.  With the news of the demise of WHS, have you considered moving the project to Windows 7/8? Yes, both DrivePool and Scanner will be ported to run on Vanilla flavors of Windows later in the year. They will run on Vista an above. DrivePool …
  • Please let me know if this is still happening in the latest build (2467). There were a number of memory consumption / UI performance issues addressed prior to this build. Thanks,
  • You might want to try enabling  UnsafeDirectIo . See:  http://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_Scanner_Advanced_Settings
  • See: DrivePool tab -> Disks ---- This came about as a result of streaming some full 50 G Blu-Ray disks from one of my WHS test machines. I noticed that about every 30 to 60 minutes the Cyberlink player, which was playing on a different machine wo…
  • There were a number of builds of Scanner 2.0 BETA that needed to modify the machine.config file in order to work correctly with some versions of DrivePool (including the currently released final). These modifications were supposed to be getting undo…
  • Yes, it was crashing systems, so that's not good. It's off by default now. See my post here on enabling it:http://forum.covecube.com/discussion/623/smart-info-was-working-now-gone
  • Yes, SAT for non-USB was experimental and it ended up causing some systems to crash. It's now off by default. You will need to enable it using a .config file. Place the attached file in:C:\Program Files (x86)\StableBit\Scanner ... then restart the s…
  • Please force a reload of the page in your browser. Most of the JavaScript on that site was updated and some browsers are still using the old cached version. Just hit reload.
  • Nothing to worry about. It just means that the file layout is such that 0.2% of your pool's available space can't be used to store duplicated files, at this time. Note that this figure changes in real-time as you add and remove files and especially …
  • If a file is duplicated, all changes to that file are applied in real-time, to both file parts, regardless of the duplication settings. This includes deleting it. Duplicating later is only for new files placed in duplicated folders. For example, if …
  • From a low level file system perspective, DrivePool just forwards the delete call to both NTFS pool parts. It's not modified in any way.
  • Also, You may get "Access denied" erros trying to access / delete them. This has nothing to do with NTFS security or DrivePool. It is a peculiar behavior of NTFS itself. You can actually mark a file or folder for deletion, even if it's in use. If so…
  • The *.DELETE.* folders are not from DrivePool. They are created by WHS when you move / delete a folder that's in use. DrivePool used to create them in M3, I think... This was basically emulating what WHS already did. DrivePool M4 and later does not …
  • Here's the way I look at this, First, DrivePool 1.0 was all about getting a usable and reliable drive pooling solution out the door. The design was always minimalistic in every respect. Every time I wanted to introduce a new feature, I asked, do we …
  • This was by design. There is a performance hit to synchronizing folder write times, and it was not being done. However, starting in build 6069, this is now implemented. The build is available in BETA form at:http://wiki.covecube.com/Development_BETA…
  • VMware seems to look for "NTFS". I'm successfully running a VM from the pool with the CoveFs_ReportAsNtfs advanced options set to True. Instructions:http://wiki.covecube.com/StableBit_DrivePool_Advanced_Settings
  • I got the logs, thank you. I'll take a look.
  • @Kris: If you haven't done this already, open up a contact request @ http://stablebit.com/contact and we'll troubleshoot this. @Dave, I can reset your license if you open up a contact request using the URL I gave to Kris. Also, please mention which …