I've got an email into the support people regarding this issue, but as I was googling around on my own this morning I found this forum and thought I might get some insight here as well.
Basic problem: all of my files in the DrivePool are inaccessible. VLC can't open videos, Word docs fail to open, etc. When I attempt to copy the file (using Explorer when I'm logged into WHS2011 via RDP) to the server's desktop, I get Error 0x80070780: The file cannot be accessed. When I open the individual drives and copy the same file, it works fine.
What I've done so far: Everything!

The history works like this:
- Installed WHS 2011 onto a new 2tb drive.
- Removed one of my 2tb drives from WHSv1 and installed it into WHS2011
- Added both drives to the DrivePool, without formatting or anything
- Created my Shared folders and moved them to the DrivePool via the Dashboard
- Copied everything in \de\shares from the WHSv1 drive to the DrivePool
At this point, copying data took an extraordinary amount of time. With another 8tb of data to go, I emailed support and they sent me directions to avoid having to copy it. So I went through the following steps:
- Added all my old WHSv1 drives to the WHS2011 server
- Added all the old drives to the DrivePool, without formatting or erasing them
- Killed the StableBit DrivePool service
- On each drive, I moved everything from \de\shares to \Poolpart.(x)\ServerFolders
- Deleted the DrivePool metadata in the \ProgramData\StableBitDrivePool\Service\Store folder
- Restarted the service
- Applied permissions for my users via the Dashboard
- Rebooted the server (the directions didn't include this step, but I figured it certainly couldn't hurt)
After the server booted up, I opened up \\servername and all the shares were there, along with all the data. However, none of the files would open. At this point I started some troubleshooting, and figured out that everything seems to work if I copy the file from the actual drive to the server's desktop, then back to \\servername\drivepool (note: I get the "file cannot be accessed" if I copy of the existing file, but it works if I put it into a temp dir somewhere else). I've been staring at permissions boxes all morning and can't see a difference in the files, though.
Any tips? I'd love to get this solved!

I could use some help, though:
- This might not be possible, but once I get the files I can off the drive, I'd like to try using some sort of recovery software to recover the original files I overwrote. I know there's a small chance, and none of the data is extremely important, but if it works it might save me a bunch of hours re-ripping CDs and DVDs, and re-downloading various software. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the mention of recuva, as soon as I manage to get all my "real" data off the thing safely I'm going to give it a shot. In the meantime, no more writing to that disk!