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Using Windows Server 2012 Essentials CLIENT backup TO a DrivePool volume

edited March 2013 in DrivePool
I know native WS2012E backup doesn't work on a DrivePool because of VSS. But are there any problems backing up to a DrivePool?  I have all my server folders pointing to my DP volume, including the client backup folder, and I just want to make sure this isn't going to cause any problems. Everything seems to be going swimmingly so far but you never know...


  • Resident Guru
    Not too sure how many other WS2012E users are here. I'm one of the most regular forum users, but I've only WHS2011 and Win7, sorry. If it's like the WHS2011 client backups, I'd suggest testing whether restoring just a couple of files from the backup works. If it does (or doesn't), that should be a good indicator.
  • Member
    I have no problems backing up to a DP in 2012 Essentials.  I moved all my folders over to the pool and all works well.  I've been doing this since DP first supported Essentials. 
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