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Reading pool drives natively in other OS?

edited September 2012 in DrivePool
Hi, everyone!

I have WHS running in a VM.  It's working great (or at least it was)!  I had the host OS as Server 2008 R2, and everything was running perfectly, until I did an in-place upgrade to Server 2012 (Host OS).  Now, the server keeps dropping the NIC for unknown reasons.  I've done a bit of troubleshooting, and it seems as if the Host OS (Server 2012) isn't working the way I thought it would - I just can't trace down the issue.  I thought I'd blow away the whole thing and install WHS stand-alone on the server, rather than keep going around in circles.

I'm using the drives on WHS as pass-through - they're in "offline" mode in the host OS.  When I shut down the WHS VM and put any of the drives "online" in the host, I can't read any of the data on them.  The OS sees that the drives have data on them in the Properties of the drive, but they are "empty" in Windows Explorer.  Any thoughts as to why I can't see anything on them?  I thought DrivePool left the underlying file structure as NTFS and CoveFS ran on top moving data around as it needed.

Can anyone offer me some assistance on how to read these drives?  Or, if I install WHS and then DrivePool and add the drives into a newly created pool, will DrivePool be able to read the data automatically?

Thanks for any assistance!



  • Stupid me...didn't bother reading the FAQ.  OK, the files are there in a hidden directory.  That's uber-cool and the data won't be gone.

    However, my other question does remain: can I simply add the drives to a new pool and have the data automatically be recognized as belonging to a pool (by virtue of the special, hidden folder being present) or will I have to add the data to the newly created pool manually?


  • Yes DP will detect that the drive is part of the pool and should automatically add it. This is the same mechanism that occurs if you have to resintall the WHS OS for some reason. As soon as DP is installed and you reboot the drives will be added to the pool.

    Just make sure the pool-drives are NOT present when installing WHS so you dont inadvertently format your data disks.  
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