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Missing files after drive failure

edited November 2011 in DrivePool
If I decide to move my movies to the pool without duplication and a drive fails, is there an easy way to tell which files were on the disc that failed so I can re-rip them to the server?


  • edited November 2011 Resident Guru
    Hmm. Not one built into DrivePool, as far as I know. If your movie pool doesn't change much, you could regularly dump the directory tree to a file elsewhere, and then if a drive fails, do another dump and compare the two to find the missing files?

    Something like:

    dir \\server\pool /s /b >c:\tree-before-fail.txt  <--- do this after you add movie(s)

    dir \\server\pool /s /b >c:\tree-after-fail.txt  <--- do this after drive fails

    fc /L c:\tree-before-fail.txt c:\tree-after-fail.txt >c:\missing-files.txt  <--- find out what you lost
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