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Duplicate subfolders?

edited November 2011 in DrivePool
Hi first of all thanks for your work on stablebit drivepool:)

Will there be a solution to have duplicated subfolders instead of the whole share?

The reason I'm asking is because I have 1 share with movies, pictures etc. in because I have a media streamer that can only handle 1 share. But I would like to duplicate only the picture folder but not the entire share.

Is there a solution for that?


  • As of right now no, no idea what Alex's plans are for the future.

    You could look at drivebender, it supports the feature you want.
  • edited November 2011 Resident Guru
    Are you wanting an officially-supported solution, or are you open to screamingly non-official un-supported suggestions? :)

    If the latter interests you, read on at your own risk for a way to have one share "contain" other shares.

    Create a standard WHS share (not using DrivePool). Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory the share points to (e.g. cd /d d:\serverfolders\myshare). From the prompt, run the following command for each DrivePool share you wish to have "within" this directory:

    mklink /j poolsharename c:\serverpool\serverfolders.mount\poolsharename.duplicationvalue

    where poolsharename is the name of a pooled share you want to "contain" and duplicationvalue is 1 if it is non-duplicated share and 2 if it is a duplicated share.

    For example, you have a duplicated share called "pictures" and a non-duplicated share called "videos". You wish your little media box to access both of these, but it can only handle one share. So you would create a normal WHS (that is, NOT in drivepool) share called (for example) "streamer1" that points to the directory "d:\serverfolders\streamer1" and then open a command prompt, cd to that directory, and run the following mklink commands:

    mklink /j pictures c:\serverpool\serverfolders.mount\pictures.2
    mklink /j videos c:\serverpool\serverfolders.mount\videos.1

    The result should be a normal share that "contains" your pictures and videos drivepool shares.

    WARNING: hard-hat zone. I take no responsibility for any problems that may arise even if you follow my instructions to the letter. If it works, great, if it doesn't, that's what backups are for!

    P.S. This works as of M3 build 4133. I make absolutely NO guarantees that it will work in any other build, let alone the final product. :)

    P.P.S. Be extremely careful that if you decide to delete the junctions that you do not delete the shares they are pointing to instead.
  • Wow thanks for the great write up. I am familiar with symlinks, but I will see if I dare to use this option or hope for an official method.
    Thanks for the help.
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