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What data did I lose?

edited November 2011 in DrivePool
I've been undergoing a migration from WHSv1 to WHS2k11 for about a week now.  I decided to use Drivepool from the beginning, so as data was copied off the v1 server, I would remove the drive from v1 and install it on 2k11 then add to the pool.  Everything was trucking along nicely until last night.  One of the 500G drives has "half-died" on me, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be dead very soon. 

It showed up in the pool after the last reboot, so I "removed it from the pool".  I expected that to take a few hours as the data was copied off, but it only took a minute (which was odd and scared me...).  Once it was removed, I iniitated a scan of the drive, and it's working it's way through, grinding and screetching the whole time.  I have doubts about whether it'll make it through the entire scan - and I have no idea what state it'll be in afterwards.

1) Assuming the drive is dead, how do I know what data has been lost?
2) The other remaining drives are now showing up as "unheathly".  Will they fix themselves, or do I have to initiate the fix?
3) If the drive still has data on it, will I be able to see it on the drive off the root directory or something?  I don't really want to add it back to the pool in this state.



  • edited November 2011 Resident Guru
    1) If you had duplication enabled for all shares, OR if the removal finished properly, you should not have lost any data. However, if duplication was not enabled for all shares, AND if it was not properly removed, then it does become difficult to tell what has been lost unless you have otherwise kept something along the lines of a "last known good" listing of your drives' contents (this is one of the few "cons" of DrivePool in non-duplicate mode).

    2) The other remaining drives will require you to run a validation check on them from within DrivePool. That they have been flagged as unhealthy suggests to me that the removal may not have finished properly...

    3) Attach the drive to one of your other PCs. If it is still readable, you should see a root folder with a name that begins "ServerPoolPart" - this is where DrivePool stores your pool on each disk. Again, if the disk is still readable, you should be able to copy all of your files off the disk (the ones that can still be read, anyway). You may need to use something like "teracopy" or "unstoppable copier" which has better bad-disk handling than the normal Windows drag-and-drop copying....
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