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Files in the pool and server backup

edited February 2012 in DrivePool
I know that shadow copies are not supported on the pool - the last item in the Changes Log of unsupported functions - but is this a permanent restriction or one likely to be lifted before the product goes RC?

The reason I ask is that I believe that WHS uses them to do backups. If I have my folders and client backups in a pool, then I assume WHS won't back them up. (Note: I haven't tried this as I am waiting for RC of Drivepool before installing it as I don't really have a "test" environment).

If it becomes a permanent restriction, then I also assume that I can use WHS native server backup to backup the server disk C: to external USB drive and use something like CrashPlan to backup the rest to the external drive.

Thoughts on this approach or alternatives gratefully received.


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