In order to better support our growing community we've set up a new more powerful forum.
The new forum is at:
The new forum is running IP.Board and will be our primary forum from now on.
This forum is being retired, but will remain online indefinitely in order to preserve its contents. This forum is now read only.
Thank you,
Folks, I've now been given post-delete privs by Alex for the sole purpose of keeping the forums clean of spams and scams (after all, that's time that Alex could be using to write code!), so if you spot any please feel free to send me a PM about it (click on my name, then click "Send Shane a Message").
You can also post an alert here or in the discussion thread that contains the spam, but please understand that (a) I don't check the boards daily, (b) I'll probably delete your alert along with the spam to keep things tidy, (c) I can't edit posts, only delete them.
Please also note that I'm not part of CoveCube or StableBit; this is strictly a "congratulations, you've been volunteered" thing.