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Advice required PLEASE for Noob to Drivepool :)

edited March 2012 in DrivePool
HI Guys

Just built my own server and installed whs 2011 not a noob re IT but a noob re Drive Extender etc etc.
I cannot beleive the MS removed this functionality other than for financial reasons.
But i am already pissed moving folders and files on different drives re size issues.
My question is simple please can somebody look at my setup and suggest the best way for me to set it up see her

Also i have looked and looked and googled; is there a tutorial on how to install it correctly. My main focus is media streaming Movies and TV to my Apple TV

Cheers Thorrrr


  • Resident Guru
    Generally, install DrivePool, add all permanent drives to the pool that aren't being used to do backups, then move all shared folders to the pool that aren't being used to do backups (e.g. leave the Client Computer Backups folder alone). Turn on duplication for those folders you want to have duplication.

    Also, note that the WHS 2011 server backup wizard has a 2TB limit. If you want to backup more than 2TB from the server (e.g. say you have a 4TB pool that you want to backup), you'll have to use some other software.
  • edited March 2012 Member
    Cheers Shane
    Got most of that when you say "then move all shared folders to the pool that aren't being used to do backups" do i do this by the whs command "Move the Folder"????

    Because if that folder is on one of the HDD i have added to the pool why do it??? Or is just to locate it on the Drive provided by the pool?
    DO i still use the Move the folder?

    So i am currently moving F:\Movies to Pool Drive E:\Movies do i have to delete folder on F rive after move???
  • Resident Guru
    Yes, via the WHS Dashboard "Move the Folder" command, from the HDD that is part of the pool to the "Drive" that is provided by the pool. This allows you to make use of the pool's duplication ability (if you want to use it) and/or automatic extending ability (if you want to use that).

    The "Move the Folder" command will also automatically recreate the share and delete the old folder after creating the new folder and moving everything across.

    Alternatively, you can "Add a folder" or "Add a folder to the Pool" and do the moving/deleting manually.
  • Resident Guru
    Note that when you use the "Move the folder" command, it will want to put your folder in drive:\ServerFolders\yourfolder rather than drive:\yourfolder - if you don't want the ServerFolders root, you'll have to use "Add a folder" and then Browse to the desired location instead (and do the move/delete manually).
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