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Installing USB HDD to SATA

edited March 2012 in DrivePool

I currently have an external USB HDD included in my pool

I now want to remove the HDD from the caddy and add it directly to the WHS as a SATA drive.

Is this possible with DrivePool?

Will it automatically recognise that the drive is the same one, just on a different connection?

Or will I need to remove it from the pool, then install it, then add it back to the pool?

There is over 1TB of pool data on it so I really don't want to have to go for option 2!

Many thanks


  • Resident Guru
    There may be a brief "missing drive" report if WHS takes its own time acknowledging the new location of the drive, but once it finds it, DrivePool should regain access to it too, find the PoolPart folder on the drive, automatically recognise it, and be happy.

    tldr; yes, it's cool to move the drive from usb to sata.
  • Having not tried this myself, I would still assume it would work based on this train of logic:

    If DP and WHS can discover all the pooled drives and reassemble the pool from a fresh clean install of WHS and DP, surely it could eventually find a drive in a new place.   I'm actually planning to move around a bunch of my drives so their physical location makes more sense in the midst of a planned reinstall (just got an SSD for my server). 

    I'm continually impressed with the resilience and flexibility of this product. . . . .
  • I've just swapped the drive into my HP Microserver and all is well! Pool is exactly as it was before and I am a very happy chappie  :D

    I'll be sending the $ for a full licence ASAP!

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