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Random Folders come and go on shared folders screen

edited March 2012 in DrivePool
After updating to the latest version I have noticed the occasional random folder appearing in "Shared Folders" when viewed from clients or by RDP to the server itself.  These folders have been sub-folders within "Shared Folders" and also the pool drive itself "K".  My shared folders are all on the pool drive "K".  You can access them as any other folder and they appear to cause no problems, they are just showing up where they should not be.  They also disappear after a period of time or a reboot.  They are seen when accessing the shared folders from the dashboard on clients (3 different ones, so it's not specific to 1 computer) or from the dashboard when RDP on the server itself.  I havenopt seen them when directly looged into the server with screen and keyboard, but I haven't done that lately so they may be visable there as well.  This is an "interesting" bug but seems to be harmless.  I haven't seen this behavior before the last update,  This is the latest version, paid version.  Great product by the way, much easier to use than the competition which I have tried for several months and then switched to DrivePool.  I won't be switching back. 


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