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Drivepool advanced setting

edited May 2012 in DrivePool
If I want to change some advanced settings, I open DrivePool.Service.exe.config_default, editing and saving this file as DrivePool.Service.exe.config
After a reboot, according to the wiki there has to reappear a DrivePool.Service.exe.config_default file, it doesn't do that?
The directory just contains the now edited DrivePool.Service.exe.config

How do I know if the drivepool software has applied my settings as stated in the DrivePool.Service.exe.config?



  • edited May 2012 Resident Guru
    The wiki states that a fresh copy of the default config is written "on upgrade" (presumably it may include any new settings that have been added by the upgrade).

    If you wished to check whether your config is being applied, you could try changing a setting which you could easily test (e.g. CoveFs_SynchronizeDirectoryTimes).
  • Ah,ok on upgrade...must have read over it.
    My changes seem to take, tested it with sync time.

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