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DrivePool BETA M3

edited August 2011 in DrivePool
StableBit DrivePool BETA M3 is out.

Keep in mind that this version has a lot of new code, which means that it might have issues that haven't been caught in internal testing. That's why BETA M2 is still available for those of you who may want to wait a few weeks until we shake out some of these new bugs.

I know that BETA M3 makes this easy, but do not move your un-backed up production data to the pool in BETA M3.

We want to give the folder moving a bit more wide-spread testing before it gets the stability seal of approval.

What's New

There will be a blog post on this as usual, but here's a summary:

  • All folders now use NTFS-like security.
  • DrivePool folders are now visible in the WHS storage tab.
  • Remote web access for pooled folders.
  • Media streaming from pooled folders.
  • You can switch duplication on / off and migrate folders between the pool and any single drive.
  • Data visualization for drives part of the pool and pooled folders.
  • File balancing.
  • HomeGroup support.

Features Missing

These features didn't make it into M3, because they require more testing:

  • Putting the client computer backups folder on the pool.
  • Shadow copy management on folder move.

What to Test

Primarily for BETA M3 we want to make sure that moving folders works properly, that folder permissions work and file balancing works.

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