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Pooling of folders in WHS 2011

edited April 2013 in DrivePool
NOOB running DrivePool with WHS 2011.  Under Server and Hard Drives tab all folders (Documents, Music, etc.) have yes under the Pooled Column.  One folder named Client Computer Backups (not sure how it was created) says No.  I have multiple other drives free but this folder quickly filled and I had to copy this folder to another HDD with plenty of space.  The drive containing this folder is (a partition of the smaller main drive drive where the OS is on the other partition) pooled.


  • Resident Guru
    Hi Bryan, when you add a drive to the pool, it only makes that drive's free space available to the pool, it doesn't put that drive's data in the pool. This diagram may help explain it:

    Client Computer Backups is created by WHS 2011. If you've set WHS to backup the other computers in your network, that's where it puts those backups.
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