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When i navigate to Disk Management in WHS 2011 admin tools, some disks have a volume label 'New Volume' others don't.
Why is this? And is it detrimental to the drivepool?
All have been added by choosing the hidden disk option.
Is is possible to add a feature where DrivePool identifies the drives per volume name? - Or maybe add a "Drive Alias"
All my drives are identical and thus trying to identify which drive I am looking at is quite a task. For now I've enabled drive letters which allows me to track back to letter and then volume name (I've given my drives a volume name based on its physical location inside the case.)
The same is true for Scanner, there at least you can see the serial, but linking it back to which pool drive it is, is again quite a task. (I know this isn't the scanner forum, but I believe it to be relevant to my point)
And again a complement on how this software is developed and how the beta period is going and problems and questions are handled! Fantastic job you're doing!
Agreed Danee
One of the best I've seen.
THANKS @Alex! The addition of this feature is awesome. During the last OS load I did on my server, I purposefully added each drive one at a time and named the volume for the physical location of the disk.. Having this feature populate that column will allow for instant access to my drive - were one to fail..