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M4 - Cannot use drive directly

edited January 2012 in DrivePool

M4 creates a "virtual drive" with a drive letter which you can access and do normal file operations with while on the WHS PC.

I've found some errors when try to use the root of the drive.

1) When you try to manually assign permissions to the drive letter (With inheritance to children). The drive letter will get the permissions set, but as soon as it tries to replace child permissions it give this error: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." (It is not an access is denied error)

2) When you share the drive letter (i.e. the root) and you try to access the share you also get the error ("The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.")

3) If the drive letter is shared and you try to set permissions via the dashboard no error pops up, but the permissions to not propagate through the "drive" (Probably similar problem as (1))

It appears that when you access the drive letter directly for normal file operations it works fine (on the WHS machine). I haven't tested it a lot with programs etc. For now I've set it back to the normal M3 type layout where the pool is in a folder and I map the share to a drive letter locally on the WHS machine.

Is this an error or is it a limitation?


  • RayRay
    Are you trying to do it through the command prompt? I noticed just today that I can't open a command prompt and do a 'mkdir foo', I get the same error "
    The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.", however if I open Windows Explorer and do it, it works fine. Same thing with trying to create a file.

    I agree though that this is a huge bug and needs to be fixed to be properly usable.
  • edited January 2012 Member

    I was not trying to use command prompt, but now that you mention it, it does the same.

    Maybe my post was not very clear, I'll clarify:

    Drivepool makes a virtual drive with a drive letter (x: )

    1)  On the WHS machine you set permissions on x: directly (replace child permissions), when you attempt to apply the permissions you get the error: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."

          1a) When you try to set permissions for x: via the dashboard (Shared) then nothing happens.

    2) You share x: (let's call the share xdrive). Then on a client machine you access \\whsserver\xdrive.

          2a When you attempt to navigate folders you get "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."

         2b When you attempt to create a file/folder you get: File system error (65535).

         2c When you attempt to delete a file you get: 
    "The file name you specified is not valid or too long."

         2d When you attempt to delete a folder, nothing happens.

    These errors only occur if you use the drive letter/drive share directly, if you share a folder within the drive then access it via the folder share everything works fine.

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