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Total pool size and usage?

edited June 2011 in DrivePool
Is there going to be a pie chart or something to show total pool size and how much of that pool is in use? I'm running 1736 now and don't see that and it would be very helpful.


  • You can see the usage by click on the "Hard Drive Pooling" tab.  It shows the size and free space (albeit in non-obvious place) next to each of the drives in the pool.
  • I need to see total pool size, not individual drives. And that's not working anyways, shows all drives as being completely empty.  I'd also like to see the duplicated amount. Basically the pie chart that was in the first WHS.
  • Resident Guru
    While there is not (yet?) a pie chart, the plugin does list total pool size and free space, westptx is correct.

    Dashboard app, Stablebit DrivePool section, Hard Drive Pooling tab, In Pool area, Capacity column, in parentheses is given the total pool capacity.

    Dashboard app, Stablebit DrivePool section, Hard Drive Pooling tab, In Pool area, Free Space column, in parentheses is given the total pool free space.

    If your instance isn't reporting total pool capacity and free space, you may wish to submit a bug report?
  • Ok, I see it now. For whatever reason I wasn't even seeing the pooling but was focusing on the individual drives.  The free space value I was looking at for individual drives doesn't change. But I see the capacity and free space for the pool now.
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