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control of duplication targets

edited August 2012 in DrivePool
I've been playing around with drivepool and I'm extremely impressed with it.  I was wondering if there is any way to control whether a drive can have duplicated or non duplicated data on it.  I can imagine a situation where you may have a drive that you are concerned about that you may only want to allow duplicated data on.  Due to lack of spaces to plug disks in to my system, I have had to use the second partition on my boot disk as part of the pool. I would like to use that just for duplicated data rather than unduplicated. 

The other thing that would interest me is the  ability to create more than one pool.  It would be desirable to be able to have ssd and conventional disks to have different speed pools.

Just throwing some ideas around to see how big a splash they make.  I know that some of what i am looking for is based upon my experience in the larger IT world, but suspect that many users would be interested in these capabilities.


  • Resident Guru
    Hi stuarts, the first feature (placement control) you describe should become possible when DrivePool v1.2 is released, either as a provided or third-party plugin, while the second feature (multiple pools) is planned for DrivePool v1.3 - see the following thread:

  • Shane, many thanks for that. I look forward to seeing them in action.  I'm still working out what my WHS will look like. I have room for 4 internal and 5 external hotswap disks with the option of H/W RAID on the external disks. I like the ability to upgrade disks easily using drivepool, but as someone that works in the IT industry I like H/W RAID. I've got 2 weeks before I need to activate my windows and buy a Drivepool license.  Its so much fun moving lots of data around and having hardware that I really can crash and burn....
  • File placement has been added in the latest beta but I've already found an issue so I would only use it on a test server until the bugs are worked out. The problem is with an existing unduplicated share having duplication turned on but still leaving data on the unduplicated disk (reported to Alex). No files are lost but they just dont appear on the correct disks.

    The new file placement options are looking really good and will help people running flexraid for example with drivepool.
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