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Vanishing Pool Folders

edited August 2011 in DrivePool
I'm running the latest build, 3417.

Previously, the folders I created on the drive pool weren't duplicated. Tonight, I added a bunch of new drives with the intention of turning duplication on. After adding the drives, I turned on duplication on the first folder. It immediately vanished from the shared server folders list as well as the server folder list. Disturbed, I created a new folder without duplication -- "test" -- and then turned on duplication. The new folder vanished as well. 

Both are still visible in the C:\ServerPool\ServerFolders.Mount folder, with the .1 changed to .2, and they're visible in the shares as well. But neither folder has reappeared in the Dashboard. I'm not sure what, if anything, I can include with this post. If there is a dump or an error log I can submit that would be of help if this behavior cannot be reproduced, I'll be more than happy to upload it.


  • I believe when you reboot the system the folders will reappear. Not the optimal resolution.
  • Covecube
    Build 3444 was a complete rewrite of the folder links interface, which is responsible for making the folders visible to WHS. Let me know if this happens again in later builds.
  • edited August 2011 Member

    Just happened again for me, using build 3481, but the about stablebit drivepool says 3444.

    I had setup a copy of 1TB+ to one of the drivepool folders, withing an hour all the folders had disappeared, when i clicked on the page refresh they appeared again, so i don't know actually how long the disappeared for, but it was long enough for the copy to go bad.

    EDIT : I was wrong, stupidly i'd reset the network switch. Killing the copy.

    However my original problem of multiple files and folders being skipped (target path not found) during the copy, still stands.

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