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In order to better support our growing community we've set up a new more powerful forum.

The new forum is at: http://community.covecube.com

The new forum is running IP.Board and will be our primary forum from now on.

This forum is being retired, but will remain online indefinitely in order to preserve its contents. This forum is now read only.

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  • that makes sense to me.after posting this I clicked on the Re-index and let that run (not sure how long it took, I did not check for over 24hours) looking at the pool now it shows pool condition at 100.0%  apparently the indexing had something to do…
  • I have a virtual server with some virtual computers running and I have moved the folder and performed backups of the one client with success. I also believe the folder was empty before being moved into the pool, as far as restoring, I'm not exactly …
  • Thanks all, and Shane, I have read that before creating my new server, and the blog almost talked me out of if. I actually only used WHS1 as a file backup anyway... once I tried to restore a fill recovery of a laptop, and it would not work, so the o…
  • My configuration is as follows:60gig SSD system, holds C: only2tb \ drive holds the client computer backup folder2 - 3tb, and 1 - 2tb drive in the pool.2 - 2tb drives both assigned to WHS 2011 backup drives (not in pool) I'm running into a problem w…
  • Now I understand… DrivePool has Live data that is exposed, where as a backup is preserved data.  Shane, thank you for making this so clear and easy to understand. =D> For me personally, I have some documents, quicken files, and photos that …
  • Now I really feel stupid…X_X. Today I went out and bought a new router (netgear 600N) and this time I paid attention to the actual speeds. WOW what a difference in wired transfer speeds! I build this sever 2 weeks ago as un upgrade from WHS V1…
  • Shane, you're right about my transfer speeds! I was not paying attention to those numbers and after looking my router is only 10/100. I thought this router was the gagabit speed and after checking, it's not. However, you just taught me something val…