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In order to better support our growing community we've set up a new more powerful forum.

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This forum is being retired, but will remain online indefinitely in order to preserve its contents. This forum is now read only.

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  • Ah cool and thanks for that tip - interesting to know.
  • Yeah that was my thinking - providing I take a full image of the OS itself (which is easy with a VM), then as long as I have a copy of the Client Backups folder too, I should be fine.
  • Incidentally, and I know this is a general WHS question rather than a DrivePool one, can I backup the client computer database by simply copying the entire folder to an external drive? I know the in-built server backup can do it but that's limited …
  • Not using WHS's backup defeats the whole object for me.  The single reason I use WHS rather than any other type of server is because the backup system is so convenient. There's also the issue of single-instance storage.  It's all very well taking b…
  • Thanks for the info. I appreciate the risks involved but I think the flexibility is worth it for me.  I only tend to store backups of current machines, so the backup database is only there in case a drive in one of the clients dies.  Whilst there's…
  • Is there any more info on this error?  I've just installed an SBS2011Ess box with DrivePool and am in the process of populating some server shares in the pool with data and am getting this error ALL the time when trying to copy using explorer. Usin…