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In order to better support our growing community we've set up a new more powerful forum.

The new forum is at: http://community.covecube.com

The new forum is running IP.Board and will be our primary forum from now on.

This forum is being retired, but will remain online indefinitely in order to preserve its contents. This forum is now read only.

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  • I have noticed a 2-4 minute delay but that's for the network access. I can't access the pool or rdp into the server. Pool seems to be ok at boot using an HDD.
  • Yikes. Good luck with the REDs. I'm currently using Seagate 3TBs 7200 drives right now. I have Scanner scheduled to do scans every 15 days. It's only been 2 weeks but hopefully I don't have any problems.
  • That double wide video card is definitely overkill for an HTPC unless you're gaming on the big screen. I unfortunately only have 1 PCIE slot. In hindsight....I should have gotten at least a Micro ATX MB and a bigger case to give me more expansion op…
  • Hey JazJon. When are you getting the card? One of my concerns is if it supports drives over 2TB (like the 3TB or later 4TB). And please let us know how that card works out for you.
  • I'll return the MPEXSATA22I then and I'll try the MPX-3132. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the info on the cool gadgets. I have a Mini-ITX server so space and resources are a premium. Just curious how much that ended up costing you for the card? Not sure where you are but I'm in California. I did email StarTech and they said …
  • JazJon, Where did you buy the MPX-3132? I ordered the Startech MPEXSATA22I which is similar to the Commell but it won't work on the DH77DF board that I have. I was hoping the commell will work. Thanks.
  • I appreciate it Shane. I'm currently using a LianLi PC-Q25B computer case. I just realized that in order for me to stuff as many HDs into the case, i can't have a very long card. I will look into the Super Micro. Thanks!
  • Thanks!